TBWA en Telenet tonen The Good Flow in een tv-spot

Vorige maand lanceerde Telenet #thegoodflow. Want als de flow goed zit, draait elke familie beter. Maar hoe hou je die goeie flow vol wanneer er plots iets verandert in je gezin?

In de kersverse tv-spot zien we hoe de flow in een gezin helemaal in de war wordt gestuurd door een nieuw babyzusje. Zo kijkt ‘grote’ broer rustig naar een filmpje met papa wanneer zusje ineens luidkeels begint te wenen en papa de luier moet verversen. Zelfs als hij haar eten wil geven of op z’n gemak wat zit te spelen, gooit kleine zus alles overhoop.

Gelukkig is er de magie van technologie. Met een tablet en een filmpje bijvoorbeeld, hoort de jongen z’n zusje niet huilen. Een leuke app doet monsterzusje er plots veel grappiger uitzien. En dankzij terugkijk tv, kan broer zijn zusje doen stoppen met huilen.

Yep, met een beetje hulp van Telenet kan elk gezin – zelfs de kersverse – vlotter draaien!

De tv-spot is vanaf 16 april te zien op verschillende zenders.





Brand: Telenet

Agency: TBWA

Creative Director: Peter Souter, Jan Macken  

Copywriter:  Chiara De Decker, Regine Smetz

Art Director: David Maertens

Account: Catherine Hamers

Design: Christophe Liekens


TV Producers: Mieke Vandewalle & Cindy De Mooter

Production Company:  Czar

Executive producer: Eurydice Gysel

Producer: Lander Engels

Director: Martin Werner

DOP:  Rasmus VIdebaek

Post-Production: MAKE

Post-Producer: Genevieve Paindaveine

Offline:  Manu Van Hove & Maarten Janssens

Online:  Enzo Piccinato

Colorgrading: Joost Van Kerckhove

Original Music / Sound Design: Gwenn Nicolay

Media Agentschap: PHD (Ofelia Faes)

Client: Nathalie Rahbani, Inge Debremaeker


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Over TBWA\Belgium

TBWA is not an advertising agency nor a marketing consultant. As The Disruption® Company, it profoundly believes in the power of creativity as an engine for the growth of brands and businesses. It offers integrated services from business and marketing strategy to user-experiences, product innovation, iconic branding, smart media, corporate reputations, and impactful campaigns. All integrated in a full-service proposition across the entire marketing value chain.  

TBWA sees the world through the eyes of Disruption®, a proven collaborative business tool to create step-changing growth. The methodology has a proven track record of business, marketing and communication disruptions created and implemented together with TBWA’s clients. 

TBWA is a global agency, but its approach and entrepreneurship are deeply rooted in the local Belgian market. With over two decades of experience and steady management, TBWA has demonstrated steady growth, robust performance, and strong commitment to Belgian brands and businesses such as Telenet, Delhaize, McDonald’s, D’Ieteren, Lotus, Engie, ING, NMBS, Barco, VRT and counting.  

TBWA measures its success by the growth and success of its clients. Together TBWA and its clients have won 19 Effies over the past 10 years and was awarded Effie Beast (as most rewarded company since the launch of the awards) in 2019.    

The biggest force of TBWA Belgium is its 200 creative minds, with diverse talents and skills, including strategic business and marketing skills, creative craft disciplines and a 70-headed in-house multimedia production unit. All of them work together collaboratively and multidisciplinary to turn ideas into reality with and for clients.  

TBWA is part of the TBWAGroup, a local holding consisting of TBWA and its sister agencies De Vloer and DDB. TBWA Belgium is part of TBWA Worldwide and Omnicom.  




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